Choose a Make-up Artist for Your Wedding Day Copyright © Pricesolution4u Planning a wedding can be exhausting. Everything from the church to the food at the reception needs to be accounted for. As the bride, you have quite a bit on your plate. You need to find a dress, pick out your wedding party and their dresses, and make hair, nail, and makeup appointments. With everything else on your list of "to dos," choosing a makeup artist often falls at the bottom. Unfortunately, many woman wait till the last min and just pick one out of convenience. If this doesn't sound like a big deal, think again. The makeup artist is in charge of perfecting your bridal beauty preparing you for your big day and all the pictures. Use these tips to help find the perfect makeup artist to fit your needs. They Should Listen: Sure, they are the experts but the fact of the matter is that it's your wedding therefore, if you want to wear green mascara and purple lip...